Getting ready for conference--The one-page

Getting Ready for Conference--The One-Page

Until recently I had never heard of a one-page. I've gone to too many conferences to count and I hadn't heard this term. Today I spent several hours researching the one-page and how to create one. I will attach a copy of what I came up with.

In general, the one-sheet consists of a hook, book blurb, genre, word count, author photo, contact information, and some creativity. In addition to my book blurb, I wanted to convey what my book is about by using a visual description. My colorful photographs, along with utilizing the color scheme of my brand, allows the viewer an instant "feeling" for the story I am telling.

As you can probably tell, I write about wild horses and the coast. I love the colorful images and find the photographs not only pleasing to the eye but truthful to the story I have written.

The one-page can be used when pitching to agents and editors at a conference. It gives them a focal point and promotes conversation. Think of it as an advertisement for your book. If my understanding is correct, most publishing professionals don't keep the one-page to view later, but use it as a launching point for the pitch. I plan to make plenty of copies, as to ensure I give each of them fresh copy.

I also imagine a one-sheet will help diminish any nervous jitters you may have. Appearing confident and friendly is key. And please remember to smile! They are not only evaluating your project, they are deciding if they want to work with you in the future.

I wish you the best of luck in your pitching endeavors and will keep you posted on how my one-page works for me.
